I just sent a very important email to your inbox so once you’ve watched the video below, head on over and read it. It may take up 15 minutes to arrive. Can’t see it? Check your spam and promo folders!
Important Pre-Event Video
Next, Steps:
You’re in! Congratulations! You can betcha your future self is doing a happy dance right now.
Set yourself up for success in just a few minutes by following these quick next steps:
Step 1: Add the trainings to your calendar
Simply click here and voila, the training dates and times will appear in your calendar!
🚨 If you’re anything like me, if it’s not in your calendar it won’t happen, so don’t skip this step!
Add the trainings to your calendar here.
Step 2: Join our private Facebook
Facebook is the place to be for prize winning and connecting with therapists from all over the world who will begin creating their online programs alongside you.
Step 3: Invite a friend to join you
Journeying with a familiar face and accountability buddy will increase your chances of success.
I can’t wait to see you at our virtual Welcome Party on Wednesday 31 July!
Dr. Hayley Kelly.Â