

say goodbye and good riddance to exhaustion, a huge caseload, and an income thatā€™s tied to how many clients you can squeeze into your workday.

Learn how to easily turn your clinical skills into an online program that gives you more freedom, time, and money.



Letā€™s call a spade a spade - the 1:1 therapy space and mental health system can be frustrating to work in.


Yes, we get to help people (yay!) but often, thereā€™s lengthy wait times, high fees and band aid solutions.

And donā€™t get me started on the ever increasing rates of burnout and disillusionment among therapists.


But thankfully, there is another way.

Therapists from all over the world are saying ā€˜no more!ā€™ to staying stuck in a system that doesnā€™t have theirs, or their clientsā€™, best interests at heartā€¦

And are repackaging their skills into impactful, profitable and freedom-filled online programs.

PLUS, theyā€™re impacting more lives than ever before (which is the beauty of moving from working 1:1 to 1:many!)

And good news therapist - with the online program space projected to growĀ to 1 TRILLION USD by 2032, and with all your years of education, skill building, and experience, you and your fellow therapists are best positioned to succeed.


My free guide will help you:

  • Decide if an online program is right for you, and your professional and personal goals and aspirations
  • Start building an audience to sell your online program to
    Begin mapping out the contents of your online program
  • Fill your online program with your dream participants
  • And successfully run your online program!

This guide is a culmination of everything that helped me turn my clinical skills into online programs that, to date, have generated over 7-figures (so you can trust that it works!)


Hi there, Iā€™m

Dr. Hayley Kelly!


Once a burnt out therapist who used to cry before going to my private practice, and felt trapped in working in a system that didnā€™t support me or my clients to thriveā€¦

My rock bottom led to me taking my decades of training and experience and turning everything I knew into an online program.


I feel more on purpose than ever. I have more money than ever. I get to spend more time with my family than ever. Iā€™m healthier and happier than ever.

AND Iā€™m getting to impact more lives, and have a meaningful impact on the world, while Iā€™m at it.

I want this for you too, which is why Iā€™m sharing what I know works for therapists who want to work in a smarter and more sustainable way, by repackaging their wisdom into an online program.

Online programs have changed my life, and I know they will change yours too.

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